PMSHRIJNV EGH Students Embrace Nature with Go Green Rally

On August 24, 2024, students from classes 6 and 7 at PMSHRIJNV East Garo Hills participated in an inspiring Go Green Rally as part of their 10 Bagless Day activities. 
The Go Green Rally successfully instilled a sense of responsibility in the students towards environmental preservation, reinforcing their role in creating a greener future. The initiative underscores JNV EGH's commitment to nurturing eco-conscious citizens. Overall, the Go Green Rally was a significant step in sensitizing the young students to environmental issues, encouraging them to adopt greener habits and contribute to a more  sustainable future.
For more details you can visit our official Twitter handle by clicking on the link given below 👇 
To see the video 📸 of the program you can visit our official you tube channel by clicking on the link given below 👇
